

hyper-shell submit [-h]

[FILE] [-b NUM] [-w SEC] [-t CMD] [--initdb] [--tag TAG [TAG...]]


Submit tasks from a file.

Tasks are accumulated and published in bundles to the database. The -b/--bundlesize and -w/--bundlewait options control the size of these bundles and how long to wait before flushing tasks regardless of how many have accumulated.

Pre-format tasks at submit-time with template expansion using -t/--template. Any tags specified with --tag are applied to all tasks submitted.



Path to input task file (default: <stdin>).


-t, --template CMD

Command-line template pattern (default: “{}”).

This is expanded at submit-time before sending to the database. With the default “{}” the input command-line will be run verbatim. Specifying a template pattern allows for simple input arguments (e.g., file paths) to be transformed into some common form; such as -t './ {} >outputs/{/-}.out'.

See section on templates.

-b, --bundlesize SIZE

Size of task bundle (default: 1).

The default value allows for greater concurrency and responsiveness on small scales. Using larger bundles is a good idea for large distributed workflows; specifically, it is best to coordinate bundle size with the number of executors in use by each client.

See also --bundlewait.

-w, --bundlewait SEC

Seconds to wait before flushing tasks (default: 5).

If this period of time expires since the previous bundle was pushed to the database, The current bundle will be pushed regardless of how many tasks have been accumulated.

See also --bundlesize.


Auto-initialize database.

If a database is configured for use with the workflow (e.g., PostgreSQL), auto-initialize tables if they don’t already exist. This is a short-hand for pre-creating tables with the hyper-shell initdb command. This happens by default with SQLite databases.

See hyper-shell initdb command.

--tag TAG

Assign one or more tags

Tags allow for user-defined tracking of information related to individual tasks or large groups of tasks. They are defined with both a key and value (e.g., --tag file:a). The default value for tags is blank. When searching with tags, not specifying a value will return any task with that key defined regardless of value (including blank).